Programs We Offer

The Designed to Soar program was developed to provide stable, sustainable homes for men and women facing homelessness. Our goal is to create homes for veterans, those previously incarcerated (reentry), developmentally disabled, and permanent homes for families. We are providing multiple services to help our community’s families, as well as individuals. We provide a safe environment that is proactive and always committed to life-long learning.

Veteran Housing Program (Sargent Caliss Place):

The VHP will provide long term housing for veterans who are unable to secure stable housing elsewhere. This is a strict program that will ensure that the residents are engaged and given the tools necessary to rebuild their lives. We will also offer training programs, and medical transportation services to our veterans.

Re-entry Housing Program (Freedom’s Door):

Our re-entry housing program will create temporary housing for men and women coming out of the prison system and need to transition back into society. Our goal is to provide housing. More importantly, we will offer an eight-week financial wealth-building program for residents to learn and develop financial means to support themselves, thereby diminishing the possibility of reincarnation. We will work closely with the State of Georgia and other non-profit organizations to ensure that the residents are getting all the support and resources available to them.

Developmentally Disabled Housing Program (The House of David):

The DDP is a long-term care facility staffed with medical personnel and round-the-clock access to care by the residents. The DDP program offers field trips, transportation to medical visits, entertainment, and access to medical support staff.

Permanent Housing Program (The Family Tree):

This program is specifically designed for low-income families to get into their own homes. Our families will be selected based on their satisfactory completion of the financial empowerment program. This is a year-long program where participants are taught financial literacy, budgeting, and good credit management. Upon completing the program, families will apply for a mortgage from one of our sponsored lenders, who will determine qualification. If qualified, the participant is granted a low-interest mortgage, and the participant pays no closing cost.